Business Speaker Series 40
Huntsville, Alabama
Mark Brazeal, US Vice President of Administration, Mazda Toyota Manufacturing (MTMUS)
Hollie Pegg, Alabama Department of Commerce
November 15, 2019
The NAJAS/KKC Business Speaker Series was held in cooperation with The Japan-America Society of Alabama. Mr. Mark Brazeal, US Vice President of Administration of Mazda Toyota Manufacturing (MTMUS) and Ms. Hollie Pegg, Associate Director of Development for the Alabama Department of Commerce were invited as speakers.
Mr. Brazeal explained the corporate strategy of MTMUS and gave an overview of the joint project’s current status and the timeline for construction of the plant. His presentation shed light on Toyota Motor’s thoughts and expectations for the partnership with Mazda. This included a discussion of the challenges and benefits of sharing a physical production space, differences in corporate culture and what the two companies can learn from one another, and the relationship the companies will have with the local community.
Ms. Pegg discussed the Department of Commerce’s role in the selection of the Huntsville site, what attracts Japanese companies to Alabama, and what we can see for future growth of Japanese investment in Alabama.