Car Photo Contest 2018

Keizai Koho Center held the Second Car Photo Contest for elementary school students living in Japan from June 1 – September 10, 2018. This contest attracted a total of 5,365 photo entries by 1,897 applicants. KKC selected 5 best photos awards, 14 outstanding awards and 10 honorable mentions.

Judges: Kazuki Tani, Professor of Tamagawa University, Shozo Ushioda, Nippouren, Hirokazu Furukawa, Assistant Director General of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Tohru Sakuwa, Managing Director of Keizai Koho Center

Best photo awards

Yuha Yamazaki (Third grade, Chiba Prefecture)
My first aerial shot

Ichika Chiba (Fourth grade, Tokyo)
A hermit getting into a car in my dream

Yuhei Suzuki (Fifth grade, Miyagi Prefecture)
Oh! Our car is reflected!

Sora Kawashima (Fifth grade, Shizuoka Prefecture)
Parent-child cars

Yuine Suzuki (Sixth grade, Ibaraki Prefecture)
Farming is hard work