Online Meeting Germany’s Political Economy Facing the General Election and it’s Impact on Japan-Europe Relations Dr. Hubertus Bardt, German Economic Institute (IW)

April 26, 2021

Microsoft Teams

Dr. Hubertus Bardt, Managing Director and Head of Research of the German Economic Institute (IW) was invited to KKC’s online meeting as a guest speaker. He explained that the German economy is expected to recover to pre-COVID-19 level at the end of this year at the earliest, although there are so many serious issues such as ongoing globalization, digitization, decarbonization, aging, and widening disparities. To address all these issues, he stated, a coalition party will be needed and there are five relevant parties that could be members of the coalition. He pointed out that most probably the Green Party can be a member, but the question is who else will join it. One possibility would be a “Traffic Light Coalition” of the “red” SDP (Social Democratic Party), the “yellow” FDP (liberal), and the Green Party. This possibility has been recently discussed at the federal level, and it would be quite a new framework if it happens, he said.