Online Meeting with Foreign Media The Challenges and Lessons from COVID-19 for U.K. and Japan Henry Tricks, The Economist

July 31, 2020

Microsoft Teams

Mr. Henry Tricks, Schumpeter columnist of The Economist, was invited to speak to KKC member corporations in an online meeting. Regarding the pandemic in Britain and Europe, he stated that most governments cannot afford to impose for second time restrictions that have already led to a collapse of economic activity, so the hunt for a vaccine is important. He also mentioned that one of the promises of Brexit was an accelerated free-trade deal with the U.S., but if Joe Biden wins the U.S. presidential election in November, offering a free-trade deal to Britain will be low down his list of priorities. Mr. Tricks also pointed out that the pandemic has exacerbated tensions with China.

On the impact of COVID-19 on the digital economy, he argued that some changes brought on by digitalization such as e-commerce and online shopping are here to stay, because they have developed critical mass. As for digitalisation more broadly, he stated that it will depend on how much it enhances our lives and our productivity. A total of 30 people attended.