Symposium Work Style Reform – How will home, company and society shine more and how can gender equality contribute?

November 06, 2018


Keizai Koho Center, in cooperation with the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and the German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), held a symposium to discuss the latest trends of work style reform and the challenges for industry, businesses and government. Political, industrial and academic experts from Germany and Japan joined the sessions.

Opening: Atsushi Yamakoshi Managing Director, KKC
Michiko Mae Professor, Duesseldorf University,
JDZB, Foundation Council
Key-Note: Work-Style Reform and Gender Equality in Germany
Colette Rueckert-Hennen Member of the Board, EJOT Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Session 1: Challenges for Industry and Business and Labor Relations
Chair: Kan Sumita Special Advisor,
The Japanese-German Business Association (DJW)
Panelists: Elke Holst Research Director Gender Studies, DIW Berlin
Michiko Achilles Vice President, SAP Japan
Colette Rueckert-Hennen Member of the Board, EJOT Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Session 2: Challenges for Government: Regulation
Chair: Martin Pohl Counsellor, Labor and Health Affairs,
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Tokyo
Panelists: Ralf Kleindiek Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group,
former State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs,
Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Yasuko Matoba Executive Researcher, Life Design Research Department, Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute Inc.
Rie Kuroki Director, Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office of Japan